Curriculum at Redeemer


Redeemer Christian Academy uses Abeka Curriculum. This curriculum provides a comprehensive education with a Christian perspective. At each grade level, the teacher follows a broad scope and sequence to review and introduce various skills. The material is presented in a sequential manner, creating a ladder toward higher learning. Throughout the year, the children are challenged to be responsible students, actively engaged in their own learning. This enables parents to assist, as they wish in their child’s progress and academic growth. Redeemer offers computer technology courses to all grades as well as performing arts, putting on two musicals per year.

physical education

PE at Redeemer Christian Academy is designed to improve physical and motor skills. In upper division (4 th -8th) individual skills are applied in team sport settings. In lower division grades (TK-3rd) individual skills are applied in group participation activities.


field trips

Various educational field trips are taken throughout the school year. Our students enjoy trips to museums, farms, aquariums, missions, theaters and more.

Grading at Redeemer

grading scale

Our TK and Kindergarten students receive an evaluation based on effort and achievement.

O = Outstanding: This mark communicates that the child achieved above average on the objectives.

S = Satisfactory: This mark communicates that the child has met the expected objectives.

N = Needs Improvement: This mark communicates that the child was not able to meet the objectives.


Our 1st-8th grade students receive letter grades based on percentages.

A+ = 100% – 98%

A =   97% – 93%

A- =  92% – 90%

B+ = 89% – 88%

B =   87% – 83%

B- =   82% – 80%

C+ = 79% – 78%

C =   77% – 73%

C- =  72% – 70%

D+ = 69% – 68%

D =   67% – 63%

D- =  62% – 60%

Below 59% = F

Honor Roll is for the 4 th -8 th grade students that earn high academic grades receiving no more than two B’s during each of our four quarters.

honor roll